Wednesday 19 October 2011



This theory is based around the concept of social change and how regular exposure to certain incidents, makes them acceptable within our lives and society. For example more violence people are exposed too through the media, such as throughout the world in areas of warfare as well as terrorism, and now a lot of games are influenced by warfare and extreme violence as it not as shocking and children are exposed to these from young ages. I don not feel there is a direct link to my articles although alot of information published through the media is only accepted now due to the fact a large majority of audiences are desensitized. 

David Gaunlett

Gaunlett introduced the theory of Web 2.0, this is suggests there is no boundary between the creator of a media product and the audience, an example of this is the interaction between the audience, by commenting on things this is now introduced on sites such as on social networking and other media sites. This will be used on my local newspaper website, by the introduction of the commenting system on posts, this is an interactive feature that may increase use of the website, triggering debates and actively encouraging this. This may also result in a more effective/efficient system with more information related to a story being brought in directly and quicker. Although a down side is that this could trigger negative conservation/arguments as well as information being noted incorrectly or that would turn out to be rumors or lies.  

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