Wednesday 19 October 2011

Audience Research.

For my audience research i used a variety of Quantitative and Qualitative questions presented through a Questionnaire as I felt that this would be the most effective method to gather the variety of answers through open and closed questions. This is an example of my questionnaire, I handed out ten in total to five male and five female consumers.

Customer Research Questionnaire
Please Identify your Gender.

(Circle Appropriate)
Male       Female

Please Choose your age Group.
(Circle Appropriate)
10&below              11-20     21-30     31-40     41-50     51-60     60+

How often do you read newspapers?

(Circle Appropriate)

Very Rarely            Rarely        Regularly            Very Regularly       Dailey     More than one a day

What Genre of newspaper do you read?

(Circle Appropriate)

Financial                Religious                Sports          Tabloid               Intellectual

For what reason do you read newspapers?

(Circle Appropriate)

Work                      Pleasure                 Other

Please Explain;
What in your opinion is important for a front page of a newspaper?

(Circle Appropriate)

Images         Large Headlines              A lot of Text           Advertisements

  • …………………………………………………
  • …………………………………………………
  •  ……………………………………………………………
  •  ……………………………………………………………………

Do you choose a newspaper through its appearance, drawing your eye? Or other reasons such as headlines?

Please Explain;
Do you regularly choose the same newspaper or regularly change?

(Circle Appropriate)

Choose the same                  regularly Change

If so why?
Is it important for the first page of a newspaper to hold the main headline?

Please Explain;
Within a newspaper story what do you feel is important? (A lot of images, A lot of text etc?)

Please Explain;

Thank You for your time and completing this Questionnaire!

 My Results where;

The ten questionnaires were spit 50/50 between male and female. I found that alot of the younger recipients between 11-20 and 21-30, preferred to read tabloid newspapers for 'Celeb' news and interested in following sports whereas older generations 31-40 and 50+, preferred to read more intellectual newspaper, rather than looking for newspapers based around 'Celeb' News and 'Gossip and Sport' 

Also I found that a large majoutity of all age groups and genders chose to read the same newspapers through either habit or the regular content. Furthermore most said that images should be used to support text and that the front page should be holding the main headline of the newspaper and large images to attract the initial audience and then entice them in. 

Local newspapers generally contain alot of images and text therefore not as attractive to the younger audiences although some do contain pages including sport from the local area.

Looking at my research, I will target all people within the community although the content will mainly target both genders although an older age group 21+. 

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