Wednesday 19 October 2011

Initial Idea for Hyperlinked Webpage One.

This is my first Initial Idea for the Two active online hyper linked pages for my local newspapers website. I attempted to create an effective website that was practical, efficient and fitted in with the already established forms and conventions from the websites I analysed.  My first page is at the top and is designed as a home page for the local newspaper website, I included the masterhead which will contain the name of the local newspaper, 'Swanley Times', as well as the links, internal and external to the website such as Home, Sport etc. Also I included the concept of Web 2.0, offering the feature to comment on stories to offer opinion, trigger debate etc. The most common feature I included was the advertisements, these are just as vital if not more on the website when compared to the Newspaper front cover, poster or other pages, mainly because of the interactive features available.

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