Thursday 3 November 2011

Evaluation: How Did You Use Media Technologies in Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation?

Technologies for Reasearch;

Using the internet for my research was the most effective method to look at a variety of local newspaper front covers, second pages, posters and another website that are already established. I analysed these and using the software Microsoft Publisher converted tem to JPEG files and uploaded to blogger.

Also when analysing website online I used the featurea available to see how they worked as active websites, following hyperlinks etc.

Technologies for Construction;

When creating my initial idea, I used Microsoft Word, Then Copied my designs to Publisher and then completed the same process, Saving as a JPEG and Uploading to Blogger.

I Used Adobe Photoshop to create my local newspaper front cover, second page and poster, I used this software in my foundation portfolio, Although developed and fine tuned my skills to make my newspaper to be more professional than my foundation portfolio. I used the software Adobe Dreamweaver to create my Two Hyperlinked Webpages, I used this software to create basic pages in previous courses but never for a serious page, so wasnt a new experience but had never used the software properly before. 

I had never used a blog website like Blogger before, This was a new experience which I mastered through trial and error.

Technologies for Evaluation;

I wrote my evaluation on the blogger site itself, I used the availability to enlarge my work that is available on the site to help evaluate my work to see how it looked etc. I then posted my evaluation.

Evaluation: What Have You Learned From your Audience Feedback.

After completing my products, I did some audience feedback. I asked 13 random people from Swanley's local community what there first opinion of my local newspaper front cover, second page, poster and two hyper linked pages. A large majority of the consumers I asked said that my newspaper front cover could easily fit in on sale within Swanley and they also would be happy to accept and read it, if delivered through their front doors. Most of the people asked, said that they felt that Swanley had lacked a local newspaper solely dedicated to there community and thought it was a great idea, this suggests that the newspaper would thrive and be very successful if published and distributed. Some local residents asked rarely looked at local newspaper websites although felt that the website, looked easy to use and completed its job efficiently, if I could add anything, I would perhaps add an advertisement within the newspaper itself to make people aware that the webpage is available and there for them. When looking at the second page the audience commented that the advertisements were slightly large although said that it did not effect the ability to read and understand the newspaper. Finally, when looking at the local newspaper poster was said to be very similar in the features to other and national, which is what i aimed to achieve, also it did catch peoples eye apart from it lacked colour. Colour could be introduced in future developments.

Evaluation: How Effective is The Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Tasks.

The use of combining the main products and ancillary tasks is very effective. The local newspaper front cover and second page are the main part of any newspapers, being distributed throughout the bulk of the community, although a selection of people would rather look at the paper in a more interactive method, for example people who regularly commute, and would rather view the Emagazine on smartphones, laptops or tablet computers, or to attract to the younger generation who use technology rather than the conventional newspaper.

All of these though use the same template defining the newspaper and making it recognisable to the possible consumer/audience.

I feel this combination is very effective.

Evaluation: In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Local Newspapers.

When designing and creating my Local Newspaper, Second Page, Poster and Two Hyper linked Web pages, I tried not to directly challenge the forms and conventions already established and recognized.

With my Front Cover I attempted to keep as many of the forms and conventions that I analysed from my research into local newspaper front covers, I analysed variety of front covers, as some may use some conventions and not others as well as developing some to make there own unique. My Front Cover uses several well recognized conventions, these include a masterhead, this was for several reasons mainly as it helped create an identity for my local newspaper similar with a large majority of other local and national papers including the title and generally logo's but this was one way I did challenge the conventions by choosing not to use a logo, instead the name of the newspaper is unique to the town almost making it a logo itself. I used alot of images throughout my front page, Using the forms and conventions I used alot of mid-shot images. Some smaller conventions that still are very important include date, price, edition number. Another of the largest forms and conventions are advertisements, I used these on my front cover, advertising local businesses, for several reasons, to attract the local population as it links with them as well as acting as a form of income for the paper.

For my second page, I also tried to keep all the forms and conevntions as much as I could, and I feel I succeeded, continuing articles from the front page as well as supporting them with other mid-shot images as I found was a convention when I completed my analysis of other second pages. Also I continued to add advertisments onto the second page as I found was common with other newspapers and throughout local newspapers as a whole.

For my local newspaper's poster I slightly challenged the forms and conventions I established from my analysis and research into other local newspapers posters, I chose not to include images. Although some newspapers also do this, And some do not and some vary from story to story if it is nessesary or not. I aimed for a simplistic layout, structure and content, This is in keeping with the forms and conventions to keep it simple, as well as using just one or two large headlines to catch the consumers eye and attract them to read more within the newspaper.

With the Two Hyper linked Web pages for my local newspaper, I feel that there are some very important forms and conventions nessesary to create an efficient website that is appropiate and some that are more optional. I feel I didnt challenge these including all the major forms and conevntions I established, including a common masterhead, used throughout the webpage for consitancy and to help create an identidy, large mid-shot images, advertisments, some of which are interactive due to the availability of features online, Links to other pages. Also I included the date and time at the top, some local newspaper use this to make the webpage more unique to a certain area.

Overall I feel that I followed the major forms and conevntions without challenging them, although maybe developed them in certain places to make all my final products as good as they could be as well as meeting the brief as much as they could.

Audience Feedback.

After completing my products, I did some audience feedback. I asked 13 random people from Swanley's local community what there first opinion of my local newspaper front cover, second page, poster and two hyper linked pages. A large majority of the consumers I asked said that my newspaper front cover could easily fit in on sale within Swanley and they also would be happy to accept and read it, if delivered through their front doors. Most of the people asked, said that they felt that Swanley had lacked a local newspaper solely dedicated to there community and thought it was a great idea, this suggests that the newspaper would thrive and be very successful if published and distributed. Some local residents asked rarely looked at local newspaper websites although felt that the website, looked easy to use and completed its job efficiently, if I could add anything, I would perhaps add an advertisement within the newspaper itself to make people aware that the webpage is available and there for them. When looking at the second page the audience commented that the advertisements were slightly large although said that it did not effect the ability to read and understand the newspaper. Finally, when looking at the local newspaper poster was said to be very similar in the features to other and national, which is what i aimed to achieve, also it did catch peoples eye apart from it lacked colour. Colour could be introduced in future developments.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Final Local Newspaper Front Page.

This is My Local Newspaper Front Cover, Complete with a few additions to the final design, which I discovered through the creation process. These additions were the adding of an extra advertisement, this was due to the reality of the space available on the page and if I had not added this I feel that that the Front Page would not have appeared as professional as I had aimed for. Also small additions to the images such as a brief explanation linking them to the text was added although not in my final designs, This assists the article by supporting it and linking them together. Altogther I feel that this local newspaper front cover has been an overall success, I feel i created a very professional local newspaper which could easily be published and distributed to Swanleys local community which was my overall goal!

Final Local Newspaper Second Page.

This is my completed second page for my new local newspaper, I feel that creating this page was slightly more difficult than creating the front page, This was mainly down too the arangement and space available on the page and the amount I hoped to include on the page. In the end I successfully fitted all of the information, images and advertisements I wanted too on the page. I created the two advertisements with no issue using my own images and editing them appropiatley. With This page although the diffucluties I encountered were hard to overcome and I close to altering my design I still feel this was a success and is completed to a professional standard, which could be published and distibuted along side my Local Newspaper Front Cover.

Final Hyperlinked Pages for Local Newspaper.

Final Local Newspaper Poster.

This is my completed Poster advertising my local newspaper, The area I targeted is a area local for me, a local Town. I decided when creating my final design to keep my poster simplistic which I feel I have achieved this avoiding the use of images and just including the 'bare mininium' including a border, Footer with a website address and date. Although creating this poster did pose alot of problems the outline was the most majour as I had planned in my Final designs that a curved rectangle around the footer, Headlines and Title although I was unable to do so, And so instead used a square corner. As well as this I also decided to only use it around the main headlines. This overall I think helped the simplistic approach I feel I achieved.



This theory is based around the concept of social change and how regular exposure to certain incidents, makes them acceptable within our lives and society. For example more violence people are exposed too through the media, such as throughout the world in areas of warfare as well as terrorism, and now a lot of games are influenced by warfare and extreme violence as it not as shocking and children are exposed to these from young ages. I don not feel there is a direct link to my articles although alot of information published through the media is only accepted now due to the fact a large majority of audiences are desensitized. 

David Gaunlett

Gaunlett introduced the theory of Web 2.0, this is suggests there is no boundary between the creator of a media product and the audience, an example of this is the interaction between the audience, by commenting on things this is now introduced on sites such as on social networking and other media sites. This will be used on my local newspaper website, by the introduction of the commenting system on posts, this is an interactive feature that may increase use of the website, triggering debates and actively encouraging this. This may also result in a more effective/efficient system with more information related to a story being brought in directly and quicker. Although a down side is that this could trigger negative conservation/arguments as well as information being noted incorrectly or that would turn out to be rumors or lies.  

Representation in my Local Newspaper.

All article written for most things including national and local newspaper, as well as magazines , which I looked at in my AS Coursework, represent people in different ways.

For example looking at the local newspaper I have analysed I feel that local newspaper are more likely to be read by house owners, rather than younger children and teenagers. Articles within the newspapers are targeted more toward adult audiences such as weather, traffic or local issues, rather than issues interesting and attracting younger people to read there local newspapers such as local sports activities and other events for this age group. I think that within my local newspaper front cover, second page and hyperlinked WebPages I will also target the adult home owner age groups from 21+. Furthermore certain age groups can be discriminated through local newspaper media, such as stereotypes such as ‘Young Hooligans’ and ‘Old Grouch’ , I will challenge these stereotypes portraying all age groups as evenly as possible.

Furthermore, Ethnicity is another method of representation with local newspapers; I will not specifically be targeting any specific ethnicity. I will portray all groups equally this way hopefully challenging stereotypes attached to certain ethnic groups presented previously in the media.

Industry Research.

Firstly one of the largest British newspapers is The Sun, This Tabloid newspaper is distributed Dailey throughout the United Kingdom with an average of 2,783,110 copies a day. The Sun was launched in 1963, and published as a broadsheet, and was launched by its owners IPC (International press Corporation.) The Sun is published by a division of News International, a subsidiary company owned by Rupert Murdock’s News Corporation. The Sun is a Right Wing newspaper, supporting larger United Kingdom political parties such as The Conservatives. The editor of The Sun is Dominic Mohan, and has worked with the sun since 1996, his role as editor means that he has to proof read all copies before they are mass printed and distribute, looking for errors and checking validity of the information written, checking they are facts and not false accusations which could result in legal action.

Rupert Murdock and News Corporation also owned The News of the World until publication was ended 10th July 2011 after information emerged about unethical and illegal means including the phone hacking scandal. The News of the World was originally established in 1843, and similar to the sun began being published as a broadsheet, by John Browne Bell.  The News of the World was only distributed weekly, generally on a Sunday within the United Kingdom averaging sales of 2,812,005 copies per week. The last editor of The News of the World was Colin Myler until the newspaper ceased publication.

Furthermore News corporation also owns Times Newspapers Limited, including The Sunday Times, The Times and The Times Literary Supplement. The Times Newspaper Limited was formed in 1981. This is also owned by Rupert Murdock and is a subsidiary of News International. The Times Newspaper supports moderate conservative right wing political views but could also be seen as having interests in new labour, whereas The Sunday Times only supports Right wing conservative policies. The Times is distributed Dailey and in the format a compact, And obviously The Sunday Times is only Distributed on a Sunday, and in a different format, a broadsheet. The editor of the Times is James Harding, and the Sunday Times editor is John Witherow.

The Guardian previously known as ‘the Manchester guardian’ was founded in 1821 and, is distributed Dailey (In a Berliner Format) throughout the United Kingdom, and circulates 256,283 in June 2011, behind other large British newspapers such as The Dailey Telegraph, The Times and the Independent. The Editor of the newspaper is Alan Rusbridger and the paper is owned by the Guardian Media Group, also including The Observer. The Guardian supports the Centre-Left Liberalism, largely supporting new labour.

The Dailey Mail is also a newspaper distributed Dailey within the United Kingdom; and is considered to be a ‘middle market tabloid’ the newspaper supports pro-conservative political ideas. The paper was first published in 1896 by Lord Northcliffe. The Dailey mail is owned by the Dailey Mail and General trust and published by Associated Newspapers Ltd. The newspapers readers are more than 50% female and circulate 2,100,855 copies, and is the biggest selling newspaper after The Sun, as well as this in 1982 the sister paper The Mail on Sunday was launched. The Dailey mail is the second highest selling newspaper after the Sun.

The Sunday Mirror is a Weekly Tabloid newspaper, who is owned Trinity Mirror PLC, a large British Newspaper and Magazine Publisher. The newspaper began in 1915 as ‘Sunday Pictorial’ and the name was changed to the Sunday Mirror in 1963.  It is Britain’s biggest newspaper group, publishing 240 regional papers as well as national Dailey Mirror, Sunday Mirror and People, and the Scottish Sunday and Daily Record. As of September 2010 was circulating 1,126,053 copies weekly, and on the second weekend of The News of the Worlds closure circulation reached 2 Million, the highest since January 2000.

The Large Nationwide newspapers are read by a large majority of the population, as well as this smaller local newspapers are read by a lot of people within the local communities as they hold a lot of information important to the local community. Both national and local attract large audiences.

As well as National newspapers, there are also local newspaper distributed throughout local communities, unlike national newspaper some local newspapers are distributed free and some do have to be purchased.
The Sevenoaks chronicle is a local newspaper distributed throughout the county of Sevenoaks. Today, 130 years on, the Sevenoaks Chronicle is still going strong under the ownership of Associated Newspapers, with an editor and five reporters in the High Street office. The editor of The Sevenoaks chronicle is Roger Kasper.  Due to the affluent area of Sevenoaks, the paper could see as supporting more conservative view points. There are currently 18,000 people living in the town of Sevenoaks and more in the surrounding area which receive the local newspaper. The Sevenoaks Chronicle is a local newspaper that has to be purchased and is not delivered free.
Similarly, the Dartford Messenger is also a local paper distributed throughout the town of Dartford and areas maintained by Dartford town council, and are a part of The Gravesend and Dartford messenger series, which has won 17 external awards in the past five years. The editor OF the Dartford Messenger is, Bob Bounds. The Dartford messenger is a local newspaper that is offered to free to everyone.

The News Shopper is a local newspaper that was published for the first time in 1965 in the town of Orpington and was the first newspaper that was to be distributed free of charge. The group of people that came up with this revolutionary concept was Richard Addison, Gerald McKnight, David English and South African millionaires Rayne Kruger and Antony Aaronson. The newspaper is currently owned by Rupert Murdock and is part of News International. Currently published by a firm called News Quest and distributed throughout the United Kingdom. A reason for the newspapers success is the large amount of support and sponsored by the communities around it, through local businesses etc. As well as this as with some newspapers the news shopper has won awards, such as winning website running since the late 1990’s. the news shopper currently has eight editors working within the business.

The Kent messenger was originally founded as the ‘Maidstone Telegraph’ in 1859 and then later changed its name to the Kent Messenger in 1861. The Kent Messenger is apart of the KM Group, which owns a selection of free and paid newspapers as well as radio stations and internet sites throughout the United Kingdom. The Kent Messenger circulates 88,984 copies each year. Similar to the News Shopper the Kent Messenger publishes different editions for different locations, making there newspapers available to a much wider audience, also allowing news to be personal and local to individual communities. The Kent messenger is a local newspaper that charges and is not distributed as a free paper, this could affect the audience numbers for the newspaper as a lot of local newspapers are distributed free. Using technologies such as the internet websites linked to the newspaper offers availability to wider audience.

Newspapers often use technologies such as the internet and now APP’s available via the internet, mobile phones and Tablet computers often attracting wider audiences as well the conventional audience who buys newspapers.

Audience Research.

For my audience research i used a variety of Quantitative and Qualitative questions presented through a Questionnaire as I felt that this would be the most effective method to gather the variety of answers through open and closed questions. This is an example of my questionnaire, I handed out ten in total to five male and five female consumers.

Customer Research Questionnaire
Please Identify your Gender.

(Circle Appropriate)
Male       Female

Please Choose your age Group.
(Circle Appropriate)
10&below              11-20     21-30     31-40     41-50     51-60     60+

How often do you read newspapers?

(Circle Appropriate)

Very Rarely            Rarely        Regularly            Very Regularly       Dailey     More than one a day

What Genre of newspaper do you read?

(Circle Appropriate)

Financial                Religious                Sports          Tabloid               Intellectual

For what reason do you read newspapers?

(Circle Appropriate)

Work                      Pleasure                 Other

Please Explain;
What in your opinion is important for a front page of a newspaper?

(Circle Appropriate)

Images         Large Headlines              A lot of Text           Advertisements

  • …………………………………………………
  • …………………………………………………
  •  ……………………………………………………………
  •  ……………………………………………………………………

Do you choose a newspaper through its appearance, drawing your eye? Or other reasons such as headlines?

Please Explain;
Do you regularly choose the same newspaper or regularly change?

(Circle Appropriate)

Choose the same                  regularly Change

If so why?
Is it important for the first page of a newspaper to hold the main headline?

Please Explain;
Within a newspaper story what do you feel is important? (A lot of images, A lot of text etc?)

Please Explain;

Thank You for your time and completing this Questionnaire!

 My Results where;

The ten questionnaires were spit 50/50 between male and female. I found that alot of the younger recipients between 11-20 and 21-30, preferred to read tabloid newspapers for 'Celeb' news and interested in following sports whereas older generations 31-40 and 50+, preferred to read more intellectual newspaper, rather than looking for newspapers based around 'Celeb' News and 'Gossip and Sport' 

Also I found that a large majoutity of all age groups and genders chose to read the same newspapers through either habit or the regular content. Furthermore most said that images should be used to support text and that the front page should be holding the main headline of the newspaper and large images to attract the initial audience and then entice them in. 

Local newspapers generally contain alot of images and text therefore not as attractive to the younger audiences although some do contain pages including sport from the local area.

Looking at my research, I will target all people within the community although the content will mainly target both genders although an older age group 21+. 

Local Poster Final Idea.

I analysed and cobined all my inital ideas to create the most effective final idea that most suited the forms and conventions, and best applied to suit my newspaper and my newspapers appearance. Also I tried to keep it simplistic too fit in with the newspapers posters already in circulation today. Some posters choose to use images to support there stories, although I did not as I wantedto keep the poster as simplistic as possible and keep all images for the actual story.

Local Poster Initial Idea Adapted.

For this Idea i adapted several ideas I had created in my other inital ideas to see if I could make a design that looked better. I still included all the forms and conevntions I needed.

Local Poster Initial Idea Four.

This was my Fourth Initial Idea, I kept all the vital forms and conventions that are nessesary within a local newspaper.

Local Poster Initial Idea Three.

This is my third initial idea, I continued to use the concept I wanted but also included all the forms and conventions nessesary.

Local Poster Initial Idea Two.

For my second initial idea I continued my idea of simplisity in this, as well not using images and using the forms and conventions i analysed from already established local newspapers posters, including an identifiable masterhead, website address, date, main headline and a logo.

Local Poster Initial Idea One.

This was my first attempt, at creating an initial idea for my local newspaper poster, I decided to keep my poster simplistic, as I had found that some newspapers chose to, avoiding clutter, and some not even using images.

Analysis of Local Newspapers Poster Four.

These are my analysis of the local newspaper posters, I identified the forms and conventions. The major ones include the main headline being the most eye catching piece on the poster. Some posters choose not to include images although in some cases they do. Also there is very minimal writing on local newspaper posters, this is common across most newspaper poster including national which I also looked at.

Analysis of Local Newspapers Poster Three.

These are my analysis of the local newspaper posters, I identified the forms and conventions. The major ones include the main headline being the most eye catching piece on the poster. Some posters choose not to include images although in some cases they do. Also there is very minimal writing on local newspaper posters, this is common across most newspaper poster including national which I also looked at.

Analysis of Local Newspapers Poster Two.

These are my analysis of the local newspaper posters, I identified the forms and conventions. The major ones include the main headline being the most eye catching piece on the poster. Some posters choose not to include images although in some cases they do. Also there is very minimal writing on local newspaper posters, this is common across most newspaper poster including national which I also looked at.

Analysis of Local Newspapers Poster One.

These are my analysis of the local newspaper posters, I identified the forms and conventions. The major ones include the main headline being the most eye catching piece on the poster. Some posters choose not to include images although in some cases they do. Also there is very minimal writing on local newspaper posters, this is common across most newspaper poster including national which I also looked at.

Summary of Hyperlinked Webpages Analysis.

The main forms and conventions, of Hyperlinked Webpages are;

  • A Masterhead, generally the same or very simular to give the local newspaper website an identidy;
  • Generally a Logo;
  • Alot of mid-shot images both in the support of text and used in other ways;
  • A variety of articles, sport, news etc....;
  • Alot of various local advertisments;
  • And other smaller ones including options to share via Social networking etc;
  • Option to comment etc.
There are other smaller forms and conventions that I will include other smaller forms and conventions at a later date and if they are nessesary.
As a whole local newspaper webpages are very profesional and formal very simular to the newspaper themselves.

Final Idea for Hyperlinked Pages.

These are my final designs for my Two hyperlinked pages. I took all my initial ideas and analysis into consideration to make the most effective pages possible and so they would easily fit in with the local newspaper website already established. I also included two rough ideas of what the webpage should look like apart from the articles, images and advertisments this helped me to finalise layout so that it would look as good as it possibly could.

Initial Idea for Hyperlinked Webpage Four.

This was my fourth Initial Idea, The front page (Top) I think I will base my final design and idea on as I feel that it most fulfills all my criteria, as well as including all the forms and conventions needed to make this webpage fit in with all the majority. I similarly altered the second page continuing to keep all the forms and conventions. 

Initial Idea for Hyperlinked Webpage Three.

This is my third attempt at creating the two interactive webpages for my new local newspaper. the second page I felt was nearly as good as it could be, So I just played around with the layout and structure of the page to see in my opinion what looked the best and most effective. I also included all the major forms and conventions as with all my other initial ideas.

Initial Idea for Hyperlinked Webpage Two.

This, my second attempt resulted in me slightly changing my original, initial idea as I felt that was already a good attempt including all the aspects I wanted to.  Although the major differences are the layout, I attempted to rearrange the content there was, although keeping the major forms and conventions, including the advertisements, masterhead, mid-shot images and others.

Initial Idea for Hyperlinked Webpage One.

This is my first Initial Idea for the Two active online hyper linked pages for my local newspapers website. I attempted to create an effective website that was practical, efficient and fitted in with the already established forms and conventions from the websites I analysed.  My first page is at the top and is designed as a home page for the local newspaper website, I included the masterhead which will contain the name of the local newspaper, 'Swanley Times', as well as the links, internal and external to the website such as Home, Sport etc. Also I included the concept of Web 2.0, offering the feature to comment on stories to offer opinion, trigger debate etc. The most common feature I included was the advertisements, these are just as vital if not more on the website when compared to the Newspaper front cover, poster or other pages, mainly because of the interactive features available.

Ancillary Task: Analysis of Two Hyper linked Pages Five.

Through this analysis I aimed to have identified and established the forms and conventions of the Homepage of a local newspapers website. I found that they hold very similar forms and convention apart from offering interactive features such as moving adverts, videos and links.

I found also similar forms and conventions between the second page of newspapers and the website counterpart, apart from interactive features found that advertisements, Large print, Headline and images are dominant on these pages.

Ancillary Task: Analysis of Two Hyper linked Pages Four.

Through this analysis I aimed to have identified and established the forms and conventions of the Homepage of a local newspapers website. I found that they hold very similar forms and convention apart from offering interactive features such as moving adverts, videos and links.

I found also similar forms and conventions between the second page of newspapers and the website counterpart, apart from interactive features found that advertisements, Large print, Headline and images are dominant on these pages.

Ancillary Task: Analysis of Two Hyper linked Pages Three.

Through this analysis I aimed to have identified and established the forms and conventions of the Homepage of a local newspapers website. I found that they hold very similar forms and convention apart from offering interactive features such as moving adverts, videos and links.

I found also similar forms and conventions between the second page of newspapers and the website counterpart, apart from interactive features found that advertisements, Large print, Headline and images are dominant on these pages.

Ancillary Task: Analysis of Two Hyper linked Pages Two.

Through this analysis I aimed to have identified and established the forms and conventions of the Homepage of a local newspapers website. I found that they hold very similar forms and convention apart from offering interactive features such as moving adverts, videos and links.

I found also similar forms and conventions between the second page of newspapers and the website counterpart, apart from interactive features found that advertisements, Large print, Headline and images are dominant on these pages.

Ancillary Task: Analysis of Two Hyper linked Pages One.

 Through this analysis I aimed to have identified and established the forms and conventions of the Homepage of a local newspapers website. I found that they hold very similar forms and convention apart from offering interactive features such as moving adverts, videos and links.
I found also similar forms and conventions between the second page of newspapers and the website counterpart, apart from interactive features found that advertisements, Large print, Headline and images are dominant on these pages.

Final Idea For Second Page of My Local Newspaper.

These are my final designs for the second page of my local newspaper. I combined as many forms as conventions that would make this newspaper look as professional and realistic as possible! Also I combined an idea of what the final piece should look like. Through using the forms and conventions I feel that my local newspaper will meet all its requirements.

Initial Idea for Local Newspaper Second Page Four.

This was my Fourth and final Initial Idea for the second page of my local newspaper, I chose not to do anymore as I felt this was the closest to fitting in with the forms and conventions I analysed, For example the page is very bust holding three advertisements, Four articles with only the main article supported by images and the Website, Name and Page number at the bottom, which i included in all my initial ideas, I feel this is the most realistic initial idea and will develop for my final design.

Initial Idea for Local Newspaper Second Page Three.

This was my third Initial Idea for the second page of my local newspaper, I chose have a lot of information on this page replacing the advertisement with a third article, although felt both this article and the second should be supported by images, unlike my previous initial idea, I also reduced the page wide main article to fit two smaller articles on the far left side, therefore keeping a lot of the forms and conventions I discovered through analysis.  

Initial Idea for Local Newspaper Second Page Two.

In my second idea, I kept the basic vital forms and conventions analysed and included in my first Initial Idea, although they have been rearranged into a more simplistic layout. I chose to keep the single large advertisement  near the bottom of the page as well as keeping the Website Address, Newspaper Name and Page Number. Although I made the main article page wide keeping the two images to support it as well as keeping the main headline larger and separate, as well as moving the second article below and page wide and didn't use any image to support it, as this may be a different type of article not needing an image.

Initial Idea for Local Newspaper Second Page One.

This was my first attempt at creating a newspaper second page, I attempted  to include as many as the forms and conventions I analysed. On this my first attempt I included two articles, A main article, which was quite large, With a headline along with a brief description of the article. I used to layer images to support the text in the main article similar to forms and conventions of front pages of newspapers and magazines analysed in my AS coursework. The second article was smaller but also supported by an image. I used a single large advertisement at the bottom of the page to be used to display local businesses. the far bottom of the page will include a page number, website address and newspaper name for the newspapers advertisement.

Analysis of Local Newspaper Second Page Four & Five.

Simular to the analysis I conducted on Local Newspaper Front Pages, I was looking to understand and establish forms and conventions of pages within a newspaper, some are simular to my AS coursework and some are simular to Local Newspaper front covers. Looking at analysis of Magazines from my Foundation Portfolio I can identify that these second pages display simular forms and conventions to these.

Analysis of Local Newspaper Second Page Three.

Simular to the analysis I conducted on Local Newspaper Front Pages, I was looking to understand and establish forms and conventions of pages within a newspaper, some are simular to my AS coursework and some are simular to Local Newspaper front covers. Looking at analysis of Magazines from my Foundation Portfolio I can identify that these second pages display simular forms and conventions to these.