Thursday 3 November 2011

Evaluation: How Did You Use Media Technologies in Construction and Research, Planning and Evaluation?

Technologies for Reasearch;

Using the internet for my research was the most effective method to look at a variety of local newspaper front covers, second pages, posters and another website that are already established. I analysed these and using the software Microsoft Publisher converted tem to JPEG files and uploaded to blogger.

Also when analysing website online I used the featurea available to see how they worked as active websites, following hyperlinks etc.

Technologies for Construction;

When creating my initial idea, I used Microsoft Word, Then Copied my designs to Publisher and then completed the same process, Saving as a JPEG and Uploading to Blogger.

I Used Adobe Photoshop to create my local newspaper front cover, second page and poster, I used this software in my foundation portfolio, Although developed and fine tuned my skills to make my newspaper to be more professional than my foundation portfolio. I used the software Adobe Dreamweaver to create my Two Hyperlinked Webpages, I used this software to create basic pages in previous courses but never for a serious page, so wasnt a new experience but had never used the software properly before. 

I had never used a blog website like Blogger before, This was a new experience which I mastered through trial and error.

Technologies for Evaluation;

I wrote my evaluation on the blogger site itself, I used the availability to enlarge my work that is available on the site to help evaluate my work to see how it looked etc. I then posted my evaluation.

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