Thursday 3 November 2011

Evaluation: What Have You Learned From your Audience Feedback.

After completing my products, I did some audience feedback. I asked 13 random people from Swanley's local community what there first opinion of my local newspaper front cover, second page, poster and two hyper linked pages. A large majority of the consumers I asked said that my newspaper front cover could easily fit in on sale within Swanley and they also would be happy to accept and read it, if delivered through their front doors. Most of the people asked, said that they felt that Swanley had lacked a local newspaper solely dedicated to there community and thought it was a great idea, this suggests that the newspaper would thrive and be very successful if published and distributed. Some local residents asked rarely looked at local newspaper websites although felt that the website, looked easy to use and completed its job efficiently, if I could add anything, I would perhaps add an advertisement within the newspaper itself to make people aware that the webpage is available and there for them. When looking at the second page the audience commented that the advertisements were slightly large although said that it did not effect the ability to read and understand the newspaper. Finally, when looking at the local newspaper poster was said to be very similar in the features to other and national, which is what i aimed to achieve, also it did catch peoples eye apart from it lacked colour. Colour could be introduced in future developments.

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