Thursday 3 November 2011

Evaluation: In What Way Does Your Media Product Use, Develop or Challenge Forms and Conventions of Local Newspapers.

When designing and creating my Local Newspaper, Second Page, Poster and Two Hyper linked Web pages, I tried not to directly challenge the forms and conventions already established and recognized.

With my Front Cover I attempted to keep as many of the forms and conventions that I analysed from my research into local newspaper front covers, I analysed variety of front covers, as some may use some conventions and not others as well as developing some to make there own unique. My Front Cover uses several well recognized conventions, these include a masterhead, this was for several reasons mainly as it helped create an identity for my local newspaper similar with a large majority of other local and national papers including the title and generally logo's but this was one way I did challenge the conventions by choosing not to use a logo, instead the name of the newspaper is unique to the town almost making it a logo itself. I used alot of images throughout my front page, Using the forms and conventions I used alot of mid-shot images. Some smaller conventions that still are very important include date, price, edition number. Another of the largest forms and conventions are advertisements, I used these on my front cover, advertising local businesses, for several reasons, to attract the local population as it links with them as well as acting as a form of income for the paper.

For my second page, I also tried to keep all the forms and conevntions as much as I could, and I feel I succeeded, continuing articles from the front page as well as supporting them with other mid-shot images as I found was a convention when I completed my analysis of other second pages. Also I continued to add advertisments onto the second page as I found was common with other newspapers and throughout local newspapers as a whole.

For my local newspaper's poster I slightly challenged the forms and conventions I established from my analysis and research into other local newspapers posters, I chose not to include images. Although some newspapers also do this, And some do not and some vary from story to story if it is nessesary or not. I aimed for a simplistic layout, structure and content, This is in keeping with the forms and conventions to keep it simple, as well as using just one or two large headlines to catch the consumers eye and attract them to read more within the newspaper.

With the Two Hyper linked Web pages for my local newspaper, I feel that there are some very important forms and conventions nessesary to create an efficient website that is appropiate and some that are more optional. I feel I didnt challenge these including all the major forms and conevntions I established, including a common masterhead, used throughout the webpage for consitancy and to help create an identidy, large mid-shot images, advertisments, some of which are interactive due to the availability of features online, Links to other pages. Also I included the date and time at the top, some local newspaper use this to make the webpage more unique to a certain area.

Overall I feel that I followed the major forms and conevntions without challenging them, although maybe developed them in certain places to make all my final products as good as they could be as well as meeting the brief as much as they could.

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